Republican Party of Craven County

Mission Statement

The Republican Party of Craven County is grassroots focused and organized to promote Constitutional Conservative values in Craven County. The RPCC will work to elect Republicans to office and then hold them accountable for their actions and voting records in line with the Republican Party of NC Platform. The mission of The Republican Party Craven County is to bring about less government, more responsibility, and – with God’s help – a better world. The RPCC will hold elected officials accountable for their actions and voting records. It is also our mission to encourage all citizens to accept responsibility for their own actions. We provide leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles.

Local action by an informed electorate will make a national impact!


Republican Party of Craven County

Ethics Statement

To uphold and advance the honor and dignity of Craven County with high standards of ethical conduct. We pledge to treat everyone with the basic principles of decency, honesty, and even-handedness. Our ethics call for modeling and promoting conservative values and holding our representatives responsible for the same.